You are obliged to furnish and maintain the interior of your unit or villa and are encouraged to volunteer your services to any one of the village committees. The way we are able to keep our Strata Fees low, is by owners volunteering to assist in all aspects of running and managing the complex. Simply contact any member of the Strata Council to volunteer your services.
The answer to this question is NO. The Additional By-Laws prohibit pets being kept in the village.
Owners can make changes to the interior of their home. There is more information under the Maintenance heading.
Friends and family can stay over without restriction as long as one person living in your home is over 55 years old. Please note there is only one car bay per property.
You can sell or rent your home on the open market without approval from the Strata Council, although you are required to make purchasers and renters aware of the conditions of living in the Village.
It is a condition of the Strata Titles Act that the Strata Council keep an accurate record of all residents in the Village, therefore the onus is on the owner to inform the Strata Council when there is a change.
Owners are advised that the atrium dividing the two villas is not common property, but the responsibility of the owner who has the atrium recorded on his/her title deeds, and is defined (with one exception) as the right-hand villa as entry is made into the atrium.
Maintenance, such as carpet cleaning, window cleaning, atrium garden space and painting is the concern of both owners and as such, an agreement should be entered into by both owners with respect to any charges and costs involved.
The strata council is not responsible for any damage, maintenance or upkeep of the atrium, except external damage.
NO regular meals are served although a fully equipped kitchen and dining room is available for social club and private functions.
The Village does not provide any medical, emergency or after-hours services. Residents are responsible for all matters in relation to their own health care.
There is a medical practice in the adjoining shopping centre, another in Seacrest Drive and dental and other facilities within a short distance.
Seacrest Pharmacy can provide same-day delivery of prescriptions if you leave your order in their box at our reception desk prior to 1.30 pm daily.
The general maintenance and upkeep of your property is important to the appearance of the Village in the eyes of residents, visitors and prospective residents. The outside walls and areas of your unit/villa are known as common areas and are the responsibility of Strata Council. The interior of your unit or villa is your responsibility.
Under the Strata Titles Act, all proposed modifications including alterations to patios, outside walls and roof areas, must be submitted in writing to the Strata Council prior to commencement. The only two exceptions to this regulation are window treatments and interior painting.
Repairs to the inside of your unit or villa are your responsibility. Examples of these items would be dripping taps or blown light globes and should be attended to by yourself or a licensed trades person. Matters reported that are outside your unit or villa and on the common property of the Village will be dealt with by the Strata Council.
To report items of this nature there are 3 books at reception, one for Maintenance A, Maintenance B and Gardening. Simply write your request in the relevant book and Strata Council will have it attended to.
The Strata Council maintains a comprehensive insurance policy covering buildings within the strata plan and public liability. Insurance of personal property of an owner and/or tenant, and public liability accidents with the areas, to which the owner has title, are the owner’s responsibility. It is strongly recommended that residents fully insure the contents of their unit/villa, and at the same time provide adequate public liability cover against claims in relation to accidents that may occur within the units or villas.
These facilities are for use by residents only. Under current policy visitors or guests are NOT permitted to use these facilities. The hours and conditions of use are clearly displayed and residents are requested to abide by them at all times.
The policy of the Strata Council is that gardens and lawns are fully cared for by our garden maintenance and lawn mowing contractor. However, residents who choose to do so may look after their own gardens. Should you wish to maintain your own garden area then notify the Gardens Manager so they can let the garden contractor know your request.
Bags for green waste are provided in the brick enclosures alongside the general rubbish bins.
Books with large print, hard covers and paperbacks are available. Donations of books in good condition are always greatly appreciated and instructions for use of the library are on display.
Residents may invite guests when using the BBQ and the area surrounding the pool, however, please remember the swimming pool and gymnasium are not to be used by guests or visitors. Bookings for the BBQ can be made at the Strata Office.
There is one parking bay allocated to each villa and a dedicated parking area for Lodge residents. Lodge residents may park in visitor parking bays only when all bays identified as lodge parking are occupied.
Special bays marked VP are provided throughout the village for parking of visitors’ vehicles. Please do not park vehicles on roadways throughout the village.
The disability parking bay near the bowling green is for visitors to the village and community building only. It is not for lodge resident parking, whether in possession of a disability parking permit or not.
Seacrest Village is a non smoking area, except in private residences. Cigarette smoke or smell is not allowed to seep into common areas.
The Strata Levy is due and payable on the first of every month. When you purchase your new home, our strata manager, Exclusive Strata Management (ESM) will contact you to give you payment details. There are no other fees payable to the Strata Council whilst you live here and there is no exit fee of any kind.
The Strata Levy is payable by the 1st of every month and is reviewed at the Annual General meeting in March every year. The amount of the monthly strata levy is dependent on the unit entitlement of your home.
$188.68 Bedsit Lodge Unit
$206.70 Extended Bedsit Lodge Unit
$224.72 One Bedroom Lodge Unit
$350.33 Two Bedroom 1st Floor Villa
$364.11 Three Bedroom 1st Floor Villa
$377.36 Three Bedroom Ground Floor Villa
$400.68 Three Bedroom Independent Villa
This levy covers the costs of maintaining the following:
Seacrest Village is an over 55's community located less than five minutes from Hillarys Marina and the northern beaches coastline.